Hobbyists and the Role of Plant Poaching

Hobbyists and the Role of Plant Poaching

Globally, plant poaching is on the rise. COVID-related economic impacts on livelihoods has struck a blow to rural communities. Coupled with a greater access to social media and anonymity it has become easier than ever to sell illegally obtained plants. One also has to...
The end of plant club

The end of plant club

Oh man, oh, man. Plant Club has been such a part of my identity that to conclude the journey, it took a long hard look at where I am, who I am and what I want to do in the future. I think, truthfully, it had been a coming along for a while. So here’s my honest...
And it was all Yellow

And it was all Yellow

For many, yellowing leaves are a sign of the worst. There are countless times I’ve had worried plant parents asking me what’s wrong with their plant that has a yellowing leaf. And although yellowing leaves can be a symptom of something more sinister going...
Plant Club: August 2022

Plant Club: August 2022

The Plants The Classic boxes included Microsorum musifolium (Crocodile Ferns). This has to be hands down my favorite fern. With neon leaves that have a crocodile-skin-like appearance and wispy upticks, it’s a definite eye-catcher. A few years ago these plants...
The Small Variegated Monstera Sale

The Small Variegated Monstera Sale

It’s small scale, but it’s worth it. I’m selling a few fresh leaf cuttings from my variegated monsteras. And there are two rooted plants too.  The Basics: Basically. These plants are expensive. There are no two ways about it. If you’d like to read up...